
I too was diagnosed in July 2018 with a high grade but non-invasive bladder cancer. Since then I had 6 weeks of BCG treatment followed by a further cystoscopy in which biopsies were taken. I’m glad to say that these revealed no cancer cells. I’m to have further cystoscopies every 3 months in 2019 with 3 weeks of BCG after the first one. I’m not sure if there’ll be BCG after the subsequent cystoscopies. All being well I’ll progress to 6 monthly checks in 2020.
The BCG treatment was something I didn’t find easy although the nurses were really good, being friendly but professional. I’ll never find catheterisation easy. It’s always been one of my great fears! I was fortunate with the BCG side effects. I know it can be quite unpleasant, but I got off pretty lightly with only feelings of great exhaustion.

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