An article featuring Bladder Cancer Australia Charity founders Tony Moore and urological surgeon Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk appeared on ABC News 27 February 2017
Bladder cancer survivor, surgeon team up for charity
By Adrienne Francis

Photo for ABC News by Wayne Chapman
A bladder cancer survivor has teamed up with his urologist to create a new charity and deliver free Australian education resource for patients after frustration about the lack of local information available.
The Bladder Cancer Australia Charity Foundation aims to raise awareness of the disease, which it said was the fourth most common cancer in Australian men — despite receiving little attention.
About 3,000 Australians are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year, and urological surgeon Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk said it was one of the hardest cancers to treat if detected late.
Professor Lawrentschuk said he had teamed up with one of his former patients, Melbourne musician Tony Moore, in a bid to increase early detection rates.