Thank you to everyone who supported Bladder Cancer Awareness Month in May. We pushed hard on Twitter and Facebook during the month which led to record traffic on all platforms and record booklet downloads. We also received some nice donations in May. Thank you. We get no government funding so any help is appreciated. You can donate here.
Start-up Guide for bladder cancer patient groups
The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition has launched its Start-up Guide for bladder cancer patient groups. Its an awesome document. If you want to get involved and start up a patient support group on Instagram, Facebook or other social media, or to start up a charity, this guide is a great place to begin your plan.

- Download the digital version (7.3mb PDF)
- Download the Hi-Res printable version (23.4mb PDF)
New Downloads
We posted lots of information and graphics during May, to highlight Bladder Cancer. We have had loads of requests for all of that info which is on our website for free download:
Support us by liking our Facebook page
Our facebook page is where we get a lot of support. Please have a look, and friend us or like us!
WBCPC May News
The May 2020 edition of the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition newsletter is out now. If you are not on the WBCPC newsletter mailing list you can view the current newsletter on-line. This instalment includes:
- Thank you for helping us make the world more #BladderCancerAware
- Campaigning For Cancer South Africa joins WBCPC
- COVID Advocacy Exchange
- EAU20 Virtual Congress & Theme Week
- Bladder Cancer in the News
- Important dates & events
Read the WBCPC May newsletter or learn more about the WBCPC at